Huizhou lofty elevator and Jieyang downwind estate

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   Recently, Huizhou lofty elevator company success and the success of Jieyang downwind estate sign "Yung East Metro" elevator project all 34 high-speed elevators. Huizhou lofty elevator accessible, intelligent, humane, parallel and group control, remote monitoring, heightening car design, fire linkage control functions and centralized technology will perfectly reflected in this project.

Related Links: Jieyang downwind estate lofty elevator
Developers Nin Stadium, Jieyang Chinese High School, Jieyang Jianmin hospitals, downwind Bridge, Jieyang guesthouse and other projects
"Yung East Metro" large-scale integrated projects --- commercial, education, health services in one of the high-level, high-grade, urban service functions

Address:Qingcaowo Industrial Zone, Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, P.R. China 516227

Phone:+86-752-3538111    fax:+86-752-3538555    Yuanda Line:400-830-8366

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