Depth analysis of China Elevator Industry

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In recent years , as China 's economic development, as well as many high-rise residential stand, increasing the demand for elevators . High demand stimulated the development of the elevator industry.

Champoux consulting industry analysts pointed out that the elevator industry since the last century, when the rise in China , a strong majority of foreign brands to enter, together with the favorable tax on , and soon occupied half of China's elevator industry. Subsequently, the Chinese national enterprises began to rise , coupled with the support of the state, soon to point , developed in China . However , China 's national enterprises compared with foreign companies, there is still a big gap .
First, the distribution of China 's elevator business is too concentrated, industry overcapacity , elevator homogeneity . Too focused on the distribution companies has led to excessive competition among enterprises, and can not form the optimal allocation of resources. At present , the domestic elevator manufacturers have a lot, but most manufacturers are still expanding . Manufacturers and product quality is worrying, frequent elevator problems , product homogeneity serious.
Second, China 's elevator business service , but hard . Most companies are not in strict accordance with the standards for elevator maintenance , most will simply lower your case in an elevator accident will be maintained . Thus, not only ignoring the lives and safety of consumers, but also set the image of corporate credit and expense . And the low quality of most of the security personnel , the lack of good security personnel.
Again, a similar enterprise products , competition between enterprises in order to have playing the price war , forcing prices continue to lower the elevator , the elevator industry profits are lower , forming a bad competition.
Champoux consultation mentioned in the " 2012-2016 China 's elevator industry forecasts and investment strategy research report ", also mainly due to the development of the rapid rise of China Elevator real estate, shopping malls , high-rise residential . At present, although the national control measures frequently introduced , but the short term , the real estate industry will continue to expand , which will bring a lot of lift demand , China 's elevator industry still has some room for development. Moreover, before the elevator will have a large number of faces upgrading, China elevator industry will continue to grow in the future . For this reason , companies should be prepared in the following areas .
First of all, the future of elevator companies to do the service and quality. Stage manufacturers price war has made a profound understanding , cheap only suffer. The war is coming to fight war with war service quality , and only do both, to establish their own brand , to get the consumer's identity .
Secondly, the elevator will also demand a lot of other developing countries , especially in Southeast Asia and Africa and South America , can look into the future of business overseas , opening foreign markets, in foreign markets assigned their own slice of the pie .

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